Carlo Iannello was born in Naples, Italy, on 26 November 1970.

Graduated with a degree in Law on 4 July 1996 with a grade of 110 with Honors at the University of Studies of Naples “Federico II” with a thesis on Constitutional Law entitled «Federalismo e regionalismo: tendenze evolutive e prospettive di riforma nel dibattito sulla forma dello Stato italiano»

– From the years 1997-1998 and 2000-2001, he carried out a cycle of studies for a doctorate entitled «Diritto pubblico interno e comunitario» -From 2001 to 2003 he carried out a post-doc research project (later becoming a winner of a post-doc grant) at the Faculty of Law of the Secondo Università degli Studi di Napoli to enhance the relationship between local autonomy and the community government.

– Since 1 February , he has been the associate professor at the Università degli Studi della Campania «Luigi Vanvitelli»;
– On 7 December 2000, he obtained the title of Research Fellow, later writing a doctoral dissertation on «Servizi pubblici locali e forme privatistiche di gestione»

Teaching experience:
– Since 1 February 2007, he has served the Distabif (environmental end Science Departement at the Second University of Studies of Naples), where he teaches «Diritto dell’Ambiente» and «Legislazione delle biotecnologie»;
– From the academic year 2008-2009, he taught «Diritto pubblico dell’Economia» at the Department of Law of the Secondo Università degli Studi di Napoli;
– He was appointed to teach Institutions of public law at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences at the Università degli Studi del Sannio for the academic years 2002-2003 and 2003-2004

Scientific Collaborations:
– He is the director of an interdisciplinary master on the management of public local services;
– he is vice-director of LMDP (Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Droit Public);
– he has been a member of the scientific committee of the «Scuola di Governo del territorio» (inter-university consortium);
– He has been a member of the editing committee of the magazine “Rassegna di diritto pubblico europeo” (Esi, Napoli) since its foundation;
-Since 2010, he has been a member of the editing committee of the online review “Economia e Politica”;
-He is a member of CIRB, Comitato Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica;
– In the years 2004 and 2005, he took part in the scientific committee of the project Formez entitled «La gestione associata del servizio personale nei comuni di piccole dimensioni»;
– He is one of the founders of the Società di Studi Politici, a member of the Comitato Scientifico delle Assise della Città di Napoli and Mezzogiorno d’Italia;
– He has collaborated for years with the activities at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici;
– He founded the School of Politics and Administration (RED) which was attended by leading Italian and foreign researchers (the first edition took care of local policies and the second took care of the major themes of bio-politics).

Research activities:
– He is studying the effects of neoliberal policies on representative democracy as part of the school policy activities;
-He was a component in the research entitled «Giurisdizione e pluralismi» (Jurisdictions and Pluralisms), published in 2012, scientific coordinator, Prof. Roberto Toniatti and scientific supervisor, Prof. Lorenzo Chieffi;
– He was a component in the research entitled «Politica energetica e competenze comunitarie», published in 2008, scientific coordinator, Prof. Giovanni Pitruzzella and scientific supervisor, Prof. Lorenzo Chieffi

Research and teaching experience abroad:
– during the month of March 2017, He taught «Droit du vivant» in France, University of Touluse 1 Capitole;
– during the month of April 2016, he spent a period of study in Spain, University of Murcia, where he studied environmental law issues;
– He took part in the IV “Congreso International de bioderecho” held in Murcia (Spain) 15 to 21 April 2016. As part of the “Jornadas sobre Suelos contaminados: bioderecho y salud (15 y 21 de abril)” he has played two reports about the remediation of contaminated sites in Italian end European law;
– on the 4th of December 2015 he organized an international conference entitled “The independent authorities including regulatory function and judicial review” taking a report entitled “The independent authorities: the economic courts of neoliberalism”;
– he was in the international conference held in Rabat (28-29 October 2015), “Existe-t-il un droit public méditerranéen?”, Organized by the LDPM; he presented a report on the recent transformations of the public law (“Les politiques néolibérales et la transformation du droit public ” (in press);
– he took part in the “Seconde journée Louis Rolland: Justice (s) constitutionnelle (s) en Méditerranée” (13 March 2015), organized by the LDPM; he presented a paper on access to constitutional courts in Spain, France and Italy (in press).
– On March 2015 he carried out a month of university teaching as a guest professor at the University of Maine (Francia), oriented towards Master 2 (droit public comparé);
– He organized the conference entitled «Autorità indipendenti e tutela giurisdizionale» (20 October 2014) which took place in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, doing a report entitled «Le autorità indipendenti nella lettura delle giurisdizioni»;
– He participates in the project “Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Droit Public”, officially opened on 19 March 2012 in Paris, held under the ‘Collectif L’Unité du Droit “, which aims to create the first treaty on public Mediterranean law;
– From the end of March to the end of April 2011, he carried out a month of university teaching as a guest professor at the University of Paris 2 PanthéonAssas, oriented towards Master 2 (juriste territorial) and Master 2 (droit public comparé);
– In the month of September 2011, he carried out two weeks of research in Paris as a guest of the director of CERSA (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche de Sciences Administratives et Politiques), Jacques Chevallier, to enhance the subject matter connected to the right to water and the management of hydro resources where he came into contact with Prof. Gilles Guglielmi and he was invited to participate in the activities of the «Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Droit Public»;
-In the year of 2007, he carried out activity in consulting in the field of a project of international cooperation between Marocco and the European Union which was managed by the Ministero per l’Ambiente and the Tutela del Territorio e del Mare. He was directed to help the Maroccan institutions to make their legislation of garbage and evaluation of environmental impact closer to the community standards;
– In 2007, he carried out a period of study in Paris for two months (August and September) where he came into contact with Prof. Gérard Marcou, professor of public law at the University of Paris-1 «La Sorbonne» and then in Montpellier as a guest of Prof. Jean-Luis Autin, professor of public law at the University of Montpellier 1 . His studies were to enhance the relationship between local French authorities and community law (this research was later published in a collection by Lorenzo Chieffi entitled Regioni e dinamiche di integrazione europea, Giappichelli, Torino, 2003);
– In 2000, he carried out a period of study of four months (March-June) in France at the University of Montpellier 1, under the scientific direction of Prof. JeanLuis Autin where he enhanced the subject of local public services in the French system and while drafting a chapter of comparison with the French system in his doctoral dissertation.

Foreign languages:
Excellent knowledge of the French language and fair knowledge of English both in written and oral forms as a language at work

Professional experience:
– In 1999, he passed the Bar exam for the qualification of practicing law professionally

Professional experience in the public interest:
– Naples city councillor (2011-2016)
– Chairman of the planning commission of the city council (2011-2013)
– CEO of the company (GESAC) that manages the Naples airport (2010)